Nosotros | Hospital Santo Tomás Querétaro
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About us?

A group of investors decided to join the hospital growth in the State of Querétaro and the region in order to cover the need of families to have a hospital that had 3 main characteristics: speed, humane treatment and quality of care.

In 2016, the planning of a basic services clinic began: emergency rooms, operating rooms, outpatient consultation, gynecology, pediatrics, pharmacy and laboratory. Subsequently, the expansion of 4 hospitalization floors was decided with a total of 27 beds and areas de intensive care for adults and neonates.

Finally, for the month of April 2018, the Santo Tomás Querétaro Hospital was inaugurated with a highly competitive group of doctors and professional staff always seeking the hallmark of the well-being of the patient and their families. 



We are a human and professional team, dedicated to private health care with high quality standards that provides our patients and family members with the best medical practice through the implementation of safe processes, state-of-the-art infrastructure, efficient services with social responsibility.


To be a leading hospital nationwide in providing comprehensive health services that generate well-being for our patients.

Slogan Hospital Santo Tomás Querétaro








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